What are the Dangers of Relying Too Much on Extension Cords?


How many times have you used extension cords in your home or workplace? They're undoubtedly useful when you need to plug in several appliances or electronic devices that are far away from a power source. They can even help you do outdoor projects or enjoy indoor activities that wouldn't be possible otherwise. But have you ever thought about what these cords are designed for? Are they meant to be temporary solutions or something that you can rely on for a long time?

19 July 2023

4 Reasons to Add More Sockets to Your Home


There are few parts of modern homes more vital than the electrical sockets, but the increased use of various devices and appliances has meant that many homes could do with a few more. Luckily enough, an electrician can quickly and easily add more sockets to your home, and that can improve everything from convenience to safety. Here are just four reasons to consider adding more sockets to your home.  1. Reduced Reliance on Extension Leads 

27 March 2023